‘Anti-racist’ but pro-apartheid and government funded

Should anti-racists collaborate with leading promoters of apartheid? An absurd question? Unfortunately, not. Recently Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN) researchers Dan Collen and Étienne Quintal helped United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Toronto create Hatepedia. Collen and Quintal also work for the UJA-run Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre. But UJA organizes Canada’s largest annual apartheid celebration... Continue Reading →

Jewish Defence League attacks pro-Palestine restaurant

  Why the official silence about Toronto’s most powerful extreme right group? Is it because we live in a political culture where Palestinian lives don’t matter? Recently an individual with the Jewish Defence League (JDL) was photographed defacing a pro-Palestinian storefront with supremacist graffiti in broad daylight. Nothing has happened to them but the anti-racist... Continue Reading →

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